• Phone: (719) 488-2525 ext. 0

  • Hours: 7 a.m. through 5:30 p.m. Mon-Thurs

  • After-Hours Emergency: (719) 339-1761

Renewable Water Investment Fee (RWIF)

The Renewable Water Investment Fee (RWIF) was adopted in 2011 as a charge to fund the requirements of Series 2011 Enterprise Water and Wastewater Revenue Bonds issued to finance the acquisition of the JV Ranch land, reservoir facility, ditch and/or water rights, and other related water and wastewater system assets.  The water rights help diversify the District’s water resources portfolio and thereby control the costs per volumetric unit of water delivered, which would otherwise continue to rise were the District to rely on groundwater sources for the long term future.

The District determined the RWIF using service tap equivalents as the basis for establishing a customer’s potential water service demand.  Service tap equivalents are used for setting certain rates, fees and charges as a method to maintain a rational and equitable apportionment among customers and reasonably accounts for variation of individual customer tap size.

The RWIF charge became effective January 1, 2012.


Renewable Water Investment Fee (RWIF) for 2025:

Tap Size Tap Amount of Renewable
  Equivalents Water Investment Fee
    (per month) 
3/4" MF(1) 0.75  $30.00
3/4" 1.00  $40.00
1" 1.78  $71.20
1.25" 2.79  $111.60
1.5" 4.01  $160.40
2" 7.11  $284.40
2.5" 11.30  $452.00
3" 16.03  $641.20
4" 28.44  $1,137.60
(1)This tap size refers to multi-family dwelling units