• Phone: (719) 488-2525 ext. 0

  • Hours: 7 a.m. through 5:30 p.m. Mon-Thurs

  • After-Hours Emergency: (719) 339-1761

Mandatory Water Use Program

In order to extend the District's ground water supply and lower its peak summer irrigation demands the Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District No.1 has adopted a Mandatory Water Use Use Program. The program is designed to allow for the needs of our customers while requiring an efficient use of the water supply.  The program begins on June 1st and continues through September 30th.

To assist our customers in lowering their individual water demand we are offering a Rebate Program for both low-water-use appliances and irrigation efficient systems.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions or concerns regarding either program.

Hardship exemptions on a case-by-case basis - Permitted by the District
Warnings - 1st violation Written warnings
Fines - 2nd, 3rd, and 4th violation $50, $100, $200
Flow Restrictor - 5th violation $200 fine and flow restrictor - 25% of normal flow



Common Elements
Outdoor Use Calendar Addresses ending in an Odd number water on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday

Addresses ending in an Even number water on Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Prohibited Watering Hours No Watering between the hours of 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (prevents spray irrigation during the time of day when evaporation is likely to be highest)
Water Waste It is a violation to waste water by causing runoff of water on streets or into drainage facilities
Outdoor Watering & Irrigation
Turf Grass 3 times per week per calendar
(Suggested Minutes per Watering Day)
New Seed & Sod Lawn permits from the District - additional irrigation times allowed - 2 week permit available for sod - 4 week permit available for seed
Flowers, Vegetables, Trees and Shrubs Hand-held hose or low-volume non-spray irrigation, any day, any time
Designated Community Parks, open space and Athletic & playing fields Water Budget developed with the District
Washing / Impermeable Surfaces
Cars - washing at home With hand-held hose with shut-off nozzle, per calendar, not between 10 am to 6 pm
Charity car washing / events Determined on a case-by-case basis permitted by the District
Impermeable Surfaces Using water to clean sidewalks, driveways, patios or similar hardscapes is prohibited
Power washing with high-pressure units or steam cleaner Health & safety issues or no reasonable alternative. If for business function, high efficiency equipment required
Watering Days for Turf

Customers can water lawns, see schedule, but not between 10 am and 6 pm from June 1 through September 30. The three-day limit does not apply to establishing new turf from sod or seed. Remember that, for most of the summer, established lawns will do fine with just two days water.

Note: The 10 am - 6 pm rule prevents spray irrigation during the time of day when evaporation is likely to be highest.

If you have an automatic sprinkling system, set your schedule for the current conditions. In other words, "Set it, but don't forget it." For example, July conditions often require more water than the rest of summer. Watering all summer as if it were July is wasteful.

How to Water Bluegrass Turf Efficiently

The most popular turf type, Kentucky bluegrass, is an import to the United States and not naturally suited to the semi-arid climate of Colorado. Kentucky bluegrass can be maintained in Colorado with wise water use. The guidelines below are for managing bluegrass turf. If you have another kind of grass, you should consult a landscape specialist, such as your county extension agent for guidelines.

1. Weekly Watering Amounts for Bluegrass: Inches

The table below shows the amount of water bluegrass needs applied, on the average, in inches for each week between May and October. This is the most accurate way to meet your lawn's water requirements. Using this method requires determining how much water your sprinklers apply, and then setting timers to ensure that the grass gets the required amount of water.

Bar graph showing water required for bluegrass watering per month during irrigation season. Inches of water per month for Bluegrass water demand

Keep in mind that water needs will vary depending on grass type, shade, soil composition, natural precipitation, and other factors. The biggest factor in determining the time needed is what type of sprinkler you are using, as shown in the next option, below.

2. Suggested Minutes per Watering Day

If you cannot determine the exact output of your irrigation system, then you can use the table below, which shows the average output of three common types of sprinkler. These numbers are generous averages, and you will probably find that your turf does not need this much water applied three times a week. Initially, try two applications weekly, with a third only as needed during hot or dry periods.

Minutes per Watering Day
Type of Sprinkler May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct  
Fixed Spray Head 13 20 23 20 13 7 per zone*
Rotor Head (1/2 circle) 29 43 50 43 29 14 per zone*
Manual Sprinkler 20 30 35 30 20 10 per zone*

* A zone is the area of the landscape covered by the spray from a sprinkler or a group of sprinklers.

• Fixed Spray Head: Pop-up sprayers that spray continuously in a fan pattern that may be anything from a half circle to a pie wedge.

• Rotor Head: So-called "impact" sprinklers that turn left and right while applying a jet of water.

• Manual Sprinkler: A hose or any applicator attached to a hose.

Please adjust your minutes to suit your landscaping situation.

Typically, we worry about not watering our lawns enough. In fact, most lawns are over watered. To best manage your watering, you will want to avoid both using more water than your lawn needs and using less. Many factors influence how much water to apply and how it's applied: soil type, organic material, sun vs. shade, slope, sunshine, time of year. For example, sandy soil needs frequent, short waterings; soils with lots of clay must be watered slowly and infrequently. Organic material increases water retention. Sunny areas dry out quickly; slopes lose more water to runoff. On windy days, less water is absorbed and sprinkers that throw water high and far lose more to evaporation. Xeric plants require less water than bluegrass.

Contact us with your questions.

District Office: 1845 Woodmoor Drive (behind the fire station) Monument, Colorado 80132

Phone Number: 719-488-2525 ext. 10

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