• Phone: (719) 488-2525 ext. 0

  • Hours: 7 a.m. through 5:30 p.m. Mon-Thurs

  • After-Hours Emergency: (719) 339-1761

Availability of Service Charge (ASC)

The ASC revenues shall be applied solely to the payment of the District’s bond obligations and shall not be used for any other purpose.  The ASC will be assessed against all lots where water, sewer or both water and sewer main lines are installed and ready for connection within one hundred feet (100’) of the property line of such lot.  The ASC does not apply to lots on which exists an improvement that is connected to existing District water and/or sewer main lines.

The 2021 ASC charges are - $75.00 for both water and sewer; $57.00 for water only; $18.00 for sewer only. ASC charges are assessed per lot.