• Phone: (719) 488-2525 ext. 0

  • Hours: 7 a.m. through 5:30 p.m. Mon-Thurs

  • After-Hours Emergency: (719) 339-1761

System Specifications Apply To:

  • > Subdivision Plats
    (Preliminary or Final)
  • > Replats
  • > Lot Line Vacations or Adjustments
  • > Zoning
  • > Master Plans
  • > Concept Plans
  • > Development Plans
  • > PUD Plans

  • > Water Plan and Profile
  • > Sanitary Sewer Plan and Profile
  • > Utility Service Plan (Commercial Only)

  • > Public Water Mains
  • > Public Sanitary Sewer Mains
  • > Water and Sewer Service Stub-Outs

  • > Building Permit Approval Procedure
  • > Water and Sewer Service Line Construction

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 - Title, Purpose, Scope, Definitions, and General Condidtions

  • Chapter 2 - Procedures

  • Chapter 3 - Design Guidelines

  • Chapter 4 - Plan & Profile Requirements

  • Chapter 5 - Construction Procedures

  • Appendix A - Standard Construction Specifications

  • Appendix B - Standard Construction Details

  • Appendix C - Supplemental Information

    • Water and Sewer Service Line Equipment
    • Commercial Water Service Sizing
    • Commercial Sewer Service Sizing