• Phone: (719) 488-2525 ext. 0

  • Hours: 7 a.m. through 5:30 p.m. Mon-Thurs

  • After-Hours Emergency: (719) 339-1761

Development Services

Development Services provides information about the processes and procedures for development and construction within the District Service Boundaries.

Land Developers, Engineers, or Contractors interested in any construction, enlargement, alteration, relocation, removal, abandonment, conversion, demolition, repair, or excavation of any Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District water or wastewater infrastructure including public or private are required to comply with the requirements outlined in the System Specifications and the Rules and Regulations which can be found under About the District.

The requirements and processes for inclusion of land into the District or water availability, referred to as Supplemental Water, for new developments can be found in the Rules and Regulations.

Property Owners, Building Contractors, or Building Owners interested in obtaining water and sewer service are required to obtain a tap permit before installing a new service tap on a District main or connecting to a service line stub out.  The appropriate Residential and/or Commercial tap permit application can be found under the Services menu.